About Me

Positively Maine promotes, teaches and shares positive psychology through experiential programming, personal coaching, multimedia outreach and educational workshops with the aim to foster well-being and build human strengths to help individuals, groups and organizations flourish. To schedule a workshop sign up for coaching or to find more information please visit our website at http://www.positivelymaine.com

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Happiness?

Dear Friend,

Here at Positively Maine, our mission is to promote, teach and share positive psychology with the aim to foster well-being and build human strengths to help individuals, groups, and organizations flourish and thrive.  Simply put, our goal is to teach people how to be happier.

But why focus on happiness?   Why not success?  Or wealth?   Or even health?  The answer is simple:  research is showing that happiness is a key underpinning to all of these life domains.  Happy people are in fact more successful than their unhappy counterparts.  They earn more money and are less prone to many of the diseases that plague our society.   And when people are really honest with themselves, pretty much everything they choose to do is with the aim of finding greater happiness…  Even when it backfires!  It seems that we are hardwired in our pursuit of happiness.

But can a person take active steps to become happier?  Isn’t happiness based on the genetic gifts of our parents?  Or based on our life circumstances?  While these factors are relevant to our overall level  of happiness, research shows that a full 40% of our happiness is within our power to change.  Think about that for a minute.  Almost half of our happiness is completely within our own control! 

Our job here at Positively Maine is to provide you or your organization with the tools that will allow you to take control of that 40 percent.   Through experiential seminars, individual and group coaching, and workshops we will provide you with research-proven methods for increasing happiness.  And, not surprisingly, as people apply these methods the rewards of  more money, better relationships, and improved health just serve to increase happiness EVEN MORE!  Increasing happiness is not a linear process, but rather one that increases exponentially.

So welcome to Positively Maine!  Please check out our website and consider registering for a workshop, making an appointment for coaching, or scheduling a seminar for your group or business.  In today’s climate, investing your money in the stock market might be a risky endeavor.  However, you can’t lose when you invest in your own happiness and well-being!

With Sincere Gratitude,

Positively Maine!